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Rose symbolizes romance, love, beauty, and courage. She is often the favourite flower of a lot of people especially women. In the past, people thought she had a lot of magical powers and could heal a lot of different kind of injuries. Now she is more used in cosmetic products.


Cactus or cacti, is a desert plant. It grows in dry places where other plants have trouble living. Its ability to store water keeps it alive. Cacti is also protected by sharp spines, or needles.

Spider plant

Spider plant is clump-forming, perennial, herbaceous plant, native to coastal areas of South Africa, has narrow, strap-shaped leaves arising from a central point. The leaves may be solid green or variegated with lengthwise stripes of white or yellow. The leaves are not flat, but appear channeled or folded down the middle.

Venus flytrap

Venus flytrap is a flowering plant best known for its carnivorous eating habits. The trap is made of two hinged lobes at the end of each leaf. On the inner surfaces of the lobes are hair-like projections called trichomes that cause the lobes to snap shut when prey comes in contact with them.

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